Chapter 97 Create Your Portfolio

In this chapter, we aren’t creating a formal project per se, but we are gathering all the work you’ve done through this course as well as other professionally relevant information about yourself and putting it together into a website!

This will allow you to easily share with potential employers or collaborators the excellent work you have done!

97.1 Your objectives!

To complete this project you’ll need to do a few things

97.1.1 Get the rest of your projects online on GitHub

  1. Create a new GitHub repository following the steps describe in the Creating a repository chapter.
  2. Keep this window open and available.
  3. Go to your DataTrail project RStudio project.
  4. Go to the Terminal pane and run the following commands:
git init
git add .

These steps have now made this project a git project.

  1. Now we need to set up credentials so we can put your projects online! Follow the credentials set up described in this chapter.

  2. Return to the Terminal tab and run this:

git commit -m "add all files"
  1. Tell your RStudio git project where to push your project online by running this command in the terminal, but replace the URL_TO_YOUR_REPOSITORY with the repository URL of your own GitHub repository:
git remote set-url --push origin URL_TO_YOUR_REPOSITORY
  1. To push all the files here to your GitHub remote repository do this:
git push --force
  1. Go to your GitHub repository to make sure the files got there.

  2. Turn on your GitHub pages for this repository by going to Settings > Pages > and Underneath Branch choose main. Click Save.

  3. All of your project htmls should be able to be seen using a URL that will look like this:

To break this down, it will be like this:

Have these links all together because now we will want to post them to your professional website!